Delphi Study

Multidisciplinary & International

Panel Membership Criteria

To participate in this Delphi Study Panel Members will:

 1.  have an established (5+ years) interest in gifted adults.

This may be a specific adult focus or a lifespan approach with a particular interest in contexts relevant to ages 18+.

We know that much of the work done in gifted research is within gifted education, & focused on children. In some cases, Panel Members will have that background, but they will also meet the criteria set out here.

2.  have an established (5+ years) interest in giftedness, and/or in a construct that they believe to be directly related to giftedness.

Lack of conceptual clarity in this area means that Panel Members may differ in the words & constructs they use.  We invite this diversity.

3.  demonstrate an ability to understand and critically analyze research related to gifted adults.

Some members will be experienced researchers.  Others working outside of a research environment demonstrate their ability by, for example, using current clinical research, presenting at meetings, attending conferences, writing, or teaching. This diversity is welcome.

4.  be interested in engaging in this exploratory study.

We will do everything we can to make this study useful & engaging for Panel Members. Interest in participating will be demonstrated by responding to our invitation &  consenting to be a Panel Member.

Invitations to Participate:

Participation as a Panel Member is by invitation.  We are currently compiling a list of invitees based on an extensive review of the literature including conference proceedings.  Invitations will be emailed in early February 2018, as the Delphi Study commences.

Anyone who meets the criteria above may also contact us prior to February 2018 to indicate their interest.  Privacy and confidentiality will be maintained.