Delphi Study

Research on Gifted Adults

Information for Participants

What this study is about

This Delphi study aims to find out what experts in adult giftedness think is needed to advance knowledge and understanding in this emerging field.

The overall objective of this project is to make a substantial contribution to the development of a research framework for the emerging study of giftedness in adults.

What is involved

The study uses a Delphi process to solicit and pool the ideas and judgments of a panel of experts.

As a panel member, you will be asked to complete a series of three electronically administered questionnaires over an eight-month period.  Each will require approximately 30 minutes, depending on how much you choose to write.

You will have four weeks to submit your responses to a questionnaire,  During this time you can re-access your questionnaire to edit, complete and submit.  The research team will analyze the data and present it back to panel members for comment in the next questionnaire.

A summary report will be made available to you at the end of the study.

Autonomy is an important aspect of the Delphi method.  That means you are free to choose which questions you respond to.

Withdrawing from the study

Participation in the study is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason. Withdrawal of data already analyzed is not possible, but data which has not yet been analyzed can be withdrawn on request, via an email to me, Maggie Brown.

The research team

I am Maggie Brown and I am a PhD student at the University of Auckland, Department of Psychology working under the supervision of Dr. Elizabeth Peterson and Dr. Catherine Rawlinson.

I have also worked as a counselor with gifted adults for over ten years and I present internationally about counseling and coaching gifted adults.

Benefits of participating

By participating in this study you will have an opportunity to engage with ideas from other experts in the field of gifted adults and help contribute to the further development of the field.

Potential risks

Because panel members have a common interest in gifted adults, it is possible you will know, or know of, each other. The audience for any publications or presentations may also know, or know of, you. Your privacy will be protected by de-identifying all data, using pseudonyms, and removing potentially identifying information from the results.

Data storage

The data will be collected electronically and held in a password protected file.

On completion of the survey, data will be downloaded and stored in digital files in a secure facility at the  Faculty of Science, University of Auckland.

All information and data stored on the computer will be password protected and held for six years, after which all digital files will be permanently deleted.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Confidentiality is paramount to us. In order to protect your privacy and ensure confidentiality, before analysis, all identifying information will be removed from your data by a research assistant who has signed a confidentiality agreement.

If English is not your preferred language you may request that your responses are translated. Any translators we use will sign a confidentiality agreement.

Your name and contact details are required at the start of the study to link your responses across the three waves of the study. Here is how we will ensure confidentiality:

The questionnaire website will automatically assign you a randomly generated code. This code will be used during analysis, and in reports and publications as needed. Your name and contact details will then be extracted from the dataset and stored separately by the research assistant who will sign a confidentiality agreement. Your email address will be stored in a password protected contact list, and emails to you will be generated automatically.

In other words, your responses will not be connected to any personally identifying information.


Further information

If you require any further information please contact me (Maggie Brown) or my supervisors:

• Maggie Brown: +64 9 373 7599 ext 88413
• Dr. Elizabeth Peterson: +64 9 923 9693
• Dr. Catherine Rawlinson: +64 9 373 7999 ext 48736
• Dr. Ian Kirk (Head of Department): +64 9 373-7599 ext 88524


For any queries regarding ethical concerns, you may contact the Chair, The University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee, The University of Auckland, Research Office, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand 1142. Telephone +64 9 373-7599 ext 83711. Email:

Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 24-Oct-2017 for three years. Ref: 020162